For Indiana teachers, 5 lessons before leaping into retirement!

It happens every year: My husband, a school principal, is basking in the final days of a quiet, relaxing spring break and I hear him say, “I could get used to this!” He’s young enough that retirement is only a pipe dream, but if you’re one of the lucky ones who is ready to make the leap, now is the time for some serious contemplation—and some careful financial planning. It can take up to 90 days for the state to process your paperwork, which means that if your contract ends August 31, you have until May 31 to make some big decisions.

Of course, the first step is to review your most recent quarterly statement from INPRS (formerly TRF) to determine your eligibility. According to INPRS, you are eligible to receive your full pension if you are:

If you are eligible, that’s great! But it’s only one piece of the equation. Here are 5 homework lessons to help you make your post-classroom years truly golden:

1. Explore your health insurance options. If you are 65 or older, Medicare will likely cover your healthcare costs. However, if you are under 65, the cost of healthcare can have a major impact on your budget and, indeed, your ability to retire early. If you do need coverage to fill the gap between your retirement date and 65, look closely at your coverage options, including: