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You are here: For All Users > Security and PasswordsStaff Manager has advanced security measures in place to protect user and patient data. Which features you can access depends on your security permissions, including which security group you belong to and which employee permissions you have. Managers set security groups in Staff Manager Administrator . Employee permissions are set in Staff Manager Client .
Unless specifically stated otherwise, the only permissions needed to access a page are the average permissions for the user group (either employees or managers).
The user login and password are examples of security measures that all users see.
Any changes you make to your Clairvia Web password also affect your password in Staff Manager Client and Staff Manager Administrator , if you have security access to those applications. In single sign-on facilities, Clairvia Web gets your password directly from the network. Single sign-on users who lose their passwords or need them changed should contact their System Administrator.
You should contact your Staff Manager administrators if you have forgotten your password. Administrators can use Staff Manager Administrator to clear the forgotten password. The next time you log in, the Mandatory Password Change page opens automatically so that you can create a new password. If you have been locked out due to multiple password failures, administrators can unlock your account with the Account Maintenance page, which automatically clears the old password.
In single sign-on facilities, Clairvia Web gets your passwords directly from the network. Single sign-on users who lose their passwords or need them changed should contact their System Administrator.
If your organization does not use security questions, these options are not available.
Clairvia Web checks that your password meets your organization's password strength requirements upon login. If a password is not strong enough, the Mandatory Password Change dialog box opens so that you can correct the issue.
The Mandatory Password Change dialog box has three parts:
If you receive a Mandatory Password Change warning, you must:
The following are reasons you would receive the Mandatory Password Change dialog box.
Administrators can set Staff Manager security so that user accounts are locked down automatically for one of two reasons.
In both of these situations, locking the user account prevents unauthorized personnel from accessing the application. Administrators can also lock user accounts manually in Staff Manager Administrator .
If your account is locked, you receive the following message when trying to open the application: Your account has been locked out. Please see your System Administrator.
If you receive the account lock out message, you should contact your Staff Manager administrator as soon as possible.
Security questions are an optional feature. The Change Password page Security Question and Security Answer options are disabled for organizations without security questions enabled. In addition, you cannot use security questions if your organization uses single sign-on.
Administrators can enable security questions and answers for their organizations. This feature lets you access Clairvia Web even if you have forgotten their passwords.
You can also change your passwords at this time by completing the old and new passwords boxes, but this is not necessary to select a security question.
When Clairvia Web recognizes that you have entered an incorrect password, it presents you with the Password Security Question dialog box. If you answer the question correctly, Clairvia Web opens the application.
After using the security question to access the application, Clairvia Web requires you to create a new password with the Mandatory Password Change dialog box.
Barbara tries to log in to Clairvia Web by entering her username and password but realizes she has forgotten her password. Instead of entering a password, she clicks Log In. The Password Security Question dialog box opens, showing the security question Barbara selected: In what city were you born? Because Barbara was born in Springfield, she enters Springfield in the Security Answer box and clicks OK.
Clairvia Web opens and presents Barbara with the Mandatory Password Change dialog box so that she can immediately select a new password.
Administrators configure the password strength used in their organizations. The following factors determine a password's strength:
In single sign-on facilities, Clairvia Web gets your password directly from your network. Single sign-on users who lose their passwords or need them changed should contact their System Administrator.
New employees who have not received their single sign-on passwords yet can create a Clairvia Web password to open the application. Once users have a single sign-on password, however, Clairvia Web uses that information to log them in. The application ignores any later changes users make to their Clairvia Web passwords.