What Are The Best Window Coverings For Your Rental Property?

What are the best window coverings for your rental property blinds, shades or curtains

Window coverings for your rental property can be important in attracting tenants, so what are the best blinds, shades or curtains among three basic types of window coverings.

It can be difficult to choose the best type of window covering to complement a space while being easy to maintain and practical for tenants with the new technologies, décor styles and trendy materials always changing things up.

Here are the more common kinds of window coverings that are available for your windows, while including their individual pro’s and con’s to help you pick the one that works best for your budget and your rental property.

No. 1 – Window Coverings: Blinds

Blinds consist of either horizontal or vertical slats that can be adjusted with cords or handles to allow for varied amounts of visibility and luminosity. Blinds can be easily custom-fitted, cleaned off and are treated so that that won’t fade over time as great window coverings in your rental property.

Styles of window coverings